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Dr. Cornelia Fricke


Oelhafenstr. 7, Leipzig

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+49 341 4616264

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Cat Teeth



Cats are unique, especially when it comes to their teeth. They cannot simply be treated like small dogs. In our practice, we attach great importance to making cats feel comfortable with us. And we are constantly learning so that we are always up to date with the latest developments in feline dental disease.

Dental treatments specifically tailored to cats

At our practice, every cat receives careful and loving treatment. This includes:

  • An IV for medication directly into the vein
  • A tube for breathing during the operation (intubation)
  • A safe anesthetic tailored to the cat
  • Thorough X-ray of the teeth with an intraoral dental X-ray machine
  • Lots of cuddles... if the cat likes it!


Our treatment rooms are especially cat-friendly, so that your cat can feel comfortable with us.


What are the most common dental diseases in cats?

1. Resorptive lesions (RL)

Unlike humans, cats do not get cavities. However, they do get something called resorptive lesions (RL). About 70% of all cats older than three years suffer from these very painful dental defects. They occur when the body's own cells dissolve the hard substance of the teeth, causing holes in the teeth. These defects are often not visible to the naked eye.

The exact cause of RL is not yet known. There are two types of RL: the first type is thought to be caused by chronic inflammatory processes. In the second type, the inflammation only develops after the holes are already present. As the majority of defects are located below the gums, they often cannot be detected without the use of dental x-rays. Therefore, when treating your cat's teeth, an X-ray of all teeth should be taken as standard. If one tooth shows such damage, it can be assumed that other teeth are or will be affected.

For prevention and treatment, we recommend daily care of your cat's teeth at home. You should also visit a veterinary dentist once a year for a check-up and professional teeth cleaning if necessary. If you suspect that your cat is suffering from RL, we recommend a professional examination and dental treatment by a vet, including intraoral x-rays. In this way, all damaged teeth and tooth root remnants can be detected and removed. We are at your service for a consultation.

2. The Stomatitis-gingivitis complex in cats

This condition is characterized by chronic, extremely painful and intense inflammation of the oral mucosa in cats. The predisposition to this disease can be influenced by a variety of factors:

  • a weak or oversensitive immune system   
  • infections caused by calici and herpes viruses   
  • secondary bacterial infections   
  • dental changes   
  • breed-specific susceptibilities, e.g. in Maine Coon and Siamese cats   
  • chronic dental problems   
  • untreated resorptive lesions (RL)


The diagnosis of the stomatitis-gingivitis complex is typically made by means of dental x-rays, which include all the cat's teeth. Additional pathogen tests (for viruses and bacteria) may be useful in certain cases. It is also advisable to carry out more comprehensive health checks, including a major blood test, FIV/FeLV testing and a check of the cat's immune status to rule out other underlying diseases.

In terms of treatment, the use of anti-inflammatory medication, antibiotic therapy to control secondary infections and boosting the immune system is essential.

However, a decisive measure to combat this complex is a comprehensive and professional dental restoration. In addition to intraoral x-rays, this also includes the removal of all affected teeth.

A yawning cat shows its teeth.

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Dr. Cornelia Fricke

Oelhafenstr. 7, 04159 Leipzig


+49 341 4616264

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9 - 11:30 am | 3 - 6 pm


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9 - 11:30 am | 3 - 6 pm