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Dr. Cornelia Fricke


Oelhafenstr. 7, Leipzig

Pet Clinic Leipzig - Location

+49 341 4616264

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Clinical Diagnostics



We want to treat your pet in a goal-oriented manner in order to quickly cure illnesses and pain. That's why the first priority in our practice is to diagnose the cause. Unfortunately, your pet cannot tell us what is wrong. For this reason, it is important for the vet to have in-depth knowledge, a thorough and sensitive examination and proper medical equipment for clinical diagnostics.

Veterinary Assistant Sarah Hasselfeld works on the in-house laboratory equipment in our veterinary practice in Leipzig.

In-house laboratory

In our in-house laboratory, we can carry out many types of lab tests immediately on-site at our practice. This has the advantage that we often already have the results during the examination. Among other things, the following tests are possible in our in-house rapid lab:

  • Performing a differential blood test
  • Major organ screening
  • Determination of thyroid values
  • Fecal examination for worms and giardia
  • Urine analysis
  • Rapid tests, e.g. for heart disease and pancreatitis
  • Cytological examinations, e.g. ear swabs and skin lesions


For further diagnostics, we also work together with the Idexx, Synlab and Laboklin laboratories.

A digital X-ray image taken with our state-of-the-art X-ray machine in our veterinary practice in Leipzig.

Imaging (X-ray & sonography)

We are equipped with a digital X-ray unit and a state-of-the art sonography device to get precise and reliable images.

With the digital X-ray device, we can detect changes in the soft tissue area of your pet (chest and abdomen) and in the skeletal system within seconds.

In addition, we use a sophisticated sonograph with color Doppler. Aside from pregnancies, this ultrasound device can be used to examine internal organs and detect diseases.

Along with the normal digital X-ray, we also have a digital dental X-ray equipment which, like your dentist, can be used to show changes in the individual teeth in the jaw.

Veterinarian Dr. med. vet. Cornelia Fricke and Veterinary Assistant Sarah Hasselfeld examine a black cat on the examination table.

Blood pressure checks

Older cats in particular often suffer from high blood pressure. If undetected, it can lead to severe organ damage and even death. This is why we offer a blood pressure check using Doppler in our practice.

Please do not hesitate to contact us.


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Dr. Cornelia Fricke

Oelhafenstr. 7, 04159 Leipzig


+49 341 4616264

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Consultation Hours


9 - 11:30 am | 3 - 6 pm


9 - 11:30 am


9 - 11:30 am | 3 - 6 pm


9 - 11:30 am | 3 - 6 pm


9 - 11:30 am | 3 - 6 pm